The Food and Wine pairing is an art. You should not ignore any aspect of the course of your meal. Once you have chosen your wedding menu, you will begin to look for the wine that will accompany your meal throughout your meal. Wine is also there to enhance the dishes .. & here are our tips for choosing the right wine for your wedding.

Where can I find my wedding wine? A quality caterer will be happy to give you a test menu, and above all will give you the opportunity to taste the wines he offers à la carte. The opportunity to potentially discover French appellations geographically far away, but not without interest. Ease for novices, and those who do not necessarily want to run the cellars. However, if you choose to manage the wine on your own, there are several options available to you. Visit your local wine merchants, they know a whole range of Appellation that may be worth looking into. If you are in a wine region, we can only advise you to honor the small local producers. Why not organize a small tasting weekend with your witnesses in the freshness of the cellars? Nothing better than tasting the product at the source, soaking up the very essence of the estate. Not to mention the fact that the winemaker will be best able to advise you and tell you about the authenticity of his product.
Don't hesitate to think outside the box. “With foie gras, obviously a soft touch! “Hey, no to received and confirmed ideas! Well, that's fine, but be careful not to tire your puck with too much information. Your duck and its dry white may look bland right after. That would be a pity. We must find an E-QUI-FREE. Ditto for cheese, we would tend to skip on a glass of red wine, but a wine with too much tannin could alter the flavors of many cheeses. You will understand, the possibilities and combinations are endless. So, as soon as your menu is validated, and if you are not necessarily comfortable in the field, take advice from professionals. They will be your shoulder, and the players in the gastronomic success of your event.

How many bottles should I take? Let's talk about the quantity, always a puzzle ... The drinks offered at the Vin d'Honneur may have an impact on consumption during the meal. Traditionally, 1 bottle for 3/4 on average over a meal. But it also depends on the habits of your guests, the weather (the hotter it is, the less wine your guests will drink). In any case, always plan for a small margin upwards Wine keeps! It’s not lost! Champaggggnnne…! & Champagne in all of this? Yes, champagne is one of the symbols of a French wedding. But beware, the worldwide fame of Champagne has earned it the luxury of affording itself a very (too?) High price per bottle. So if you don't have the Rotschild purse (Champagne producer yes yes), bet on a Sauternes or a sweet white wine that will go perfectly with your desserts. If you really want bubbles, the Crémant will make an illusion on the glass and be just as gentle on the taste buds of your guests.

Choosing the wines for your wedding should be a sensory adventure ... but do not get too drunk in the ocean of wine possibilities that our beautiful country offers us. Have fun ! Article written by Luna